Monday, 5 January 2015

Presentation- Book style consideration.

Taking into consideration the amount of photographs I intend to shoot for this project, the only logical form of presentation with regards to the exemplification of my work is through a book. However, this does leave me questioning what kind of book I would like to use...
Initially a hard back professional book would look present my photographs well...
On the other hand, I feel like the style of the book should represent and reinforce the style of my photographs.
At this moment in time I believe I will pursue a zine styled book; after all, the entire project is shot on either expired or cheap film and takes place in rather grungy locations. On top of this I want my zine to be available to those who are in it or are aware of it. Therefore a zine styled book will be a cheap and affordable way to mass produce the final outcome of this unit of work.

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