Monday, 5 January 2015

Artist Research- Larry Clark's books.

'The perfect childhood'
Larry Clark is a documentary photographer who I have only recently discovered.... His work is very similar to the photographs of Jim Goldberg purely due to the fact that you can tell he has been extremely involved with each book he has produced. You can immediately tell that he is part of whatever group he has chosen to photograph; he's mentally and emotionally synced with his subjects state of mind. I admire how his photographs range from being candid to controlled pose as it means you are seeing each of his characters from a different perspective.
As a lover of the point and shoot camera, I can appreciate Clark's spur of the moment thinking; in my opinion he has achieved Bresson's 'the decisive moment'. After all, it's almost as if he is a ghost when capturing his subjects mid conversation or whatever activity they are doing. 
I believe that through becoming part of whatever you a photographing, your photographs will instantly become far less predictable and instead far more realistic and truthful. I am not implying that I am going to start doing drugs every time I photograph as I want a happy and healthy future. However, I do believe that it's important for me to physically be part of the night; engaging with who or whatever I encounter...this is where I must stop observing and instead start interacting with those who stand out. 

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