Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Jim Goldberg's raised by wolves.

I have chosen to admire the work of Jim Goldberg, a personal favourite of mine when it comes to looking at documentary photography. His book/video titled 'Raised by Wolves' provides you with an in-depth insight into the lives of three runaways, these being Echo, Tweeky and Dave. Documenting their experiences with the police, social agencies and the struggles and beauties of life in general. 
Although the book is very very interesting to look through, with it's alternative styles of layout and structure, I did prefer the video he made as I believe it brought me closer to the three characters; hearing their voices and life stories merged alongside with stark and powerful made the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. 

By hearing the characters voices you are immediately absorbed into their world; the viewer feels as if they are part of Goldberg's world. 
Although it is still early days with regards to this project, presenting my work as either a book or video is something I am highly interested in producing. However, further research and experimentation is needed.

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